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Lab Tested. Field Approved.

Bruker D2 Phaser
Due to its compact size, low weight, and ease-of-use design, the Bruker D2 Phaser XRD system is conveniently mobile, without the need for complicated infrastructure, large, heavy-load work benches, or vendor installation and alignment. A standard power outlet and a few minutes are all that is required to take they system from fully packaged to outstanding results.Equipped with the unique LYNXEYE XE-T detector, the D2 PHASER plays in a league of its own! The energy resolution of <380 eV allows a unique, digital monochromator mode to efficiently remove – unwanted radiation, such as sample fluorescence, – K – beta radiation, and Bremsstrahlung – background scattering, without meaningful losses in detection speed.
- 6 Sample autochanger
- No water consumption
- 240V Power required
- Optional Topaz Interpretation Software
Bruker CTX

The portable Counter Top XRF (CTX) is small, light-weight, safety-interlocked, and battery operated. At 7 kilograms in weight, the self-contained CTX is truly portable, and has a small footprint of only 14 cm in width. Up to 48 elements analyzed per calibration. Wide elemental range, from Mg to U.
- Wide application and elemental Range (Mg – U)
- Detects concentrations from part per million (ppm) to 100%
- Robust, splash and dust proof stainless steel construction
- Dual safety interlocked piece of mind
- Very small footprint: 14 x 25 cm
Bruker Tracer 5g

While the TRACER 5 has the ability to completely control the current and voltage, it also adds many new features which have been requested by our users. The user can select filters from the integrated filter wheel or insert user-designed filters. In addition, the measurements can be made in air, vacuum or helium atmosphere, which can be selected based on the needs of the user. The detector configuration and a small distance between the sample and detector make for a very sensitive system with some of the lowest detection limits available today. The TRACER 5 has approximately three times the sensitivity of the previous generation TRACERs, with helium purge TRACER 5 is the only handheld XRF that can elements as light as fluorine.
- 50kV-4W Rh target X-ray source
- Large area graphene window SDD detector
- Selectable measurement spot size 3 mm or 8 mm
- Helium purge and optional portable vacuum pump
- 5 position automatic filter changer
- Interactive touch screen display
Bruker S1 Titan 800

The S1 TITAN is lightweight (1.5 kg, including battery) and rugged handheld XRF analyzer. Fast analysis speed and exceptional accuracy are two key attributes that help define the S1 TITAN. The S1 TITAN product line is entirely based on the latest detector technology. Every S1 TITAN model is equipped with a high-performance graphene window silicon drift detector (SDD). As a result, users can expect to have fast, precise analysis regardless of the chosen S1 TITAN model. The S1 TITAN 800 is the premium model with the best performance the widest application range and best light element performance for Mg, Al and Si.
- 50 kV X-ray tube
- Latest graphene window detector technology
- TITAN detector shield – guaranteed detector protection
- SMART Grade timing for fast alloy grade ID
- Wi-Fi and USB connectivity
- An extremely tough housing that is sealed against humid and dusty environments
Thermo Niton XL3t GOLDD+

The Thermo Scientific Nion XL3T GOLDD+ XRF Analyzer provides real time, reliable data for sample identification and PMI without the need for vacuum or He. The instruments are equipped with Geometrically Optimized Large Ara Drift Detectors (GOLDD) technology for improved light element analysis (MG-S). Includes integrated CCD camera for locating and storing images; Locking shielded carrying case; Shielded belt holster; Two lithium-ion battery packs; Spare battery pack; 110/220 VAC battery charger/AC adaptor; PC connection cables (USB and RS-232); Thermo Scientific™ Niton Data Transfer (NDT™) PC software; Safety lanyard; Check samples/standards.
- Standard analytical range: Up to 30 elements from Mg to U (varies by application).
- Tube voltage 6 to 50 kV
- Sealed against moisture and dust.
- Ergonomically designed.
- Incorporates multi-language options.
- Color, touch-screen display.
NER TinyPerm3

NER’s TinyPerm is a portable handheld air permeameter used for measurement of rock matrix permeability or effective fracture apertures on outcrops and at the core scale. The operator presses a rubber nozzle against the specimen and withdraws air from it with a single stroke of a syringe. As air is pulled from the sample, a microcontroller unit simultaneously monitors the syringe volume and the transient vacuum pulse created at the sample surface. Measurements are automatically stored and cataloged on the NER-supplied Android™ device, communicating wirelessly with the TinyPerm permeameter. The Android device shows a plot of the time-domain pressure and volume data in real time as a measurement is taking place. New capabilities in TinyPerm allow faster measurement times at low permeabilities.
- For intact rock, the permeability measurement range is from 1 millidarcy to 10 darcys. Similarly, fracture apertures from approximately 10 microns to 2 millimeters can be determined.
- The TinyPerm app on the Android device permits wireless data collection; no more pen and paper in the field.
- Conversion from response function to permeability or aperture measurement is automatic.
- Samples are given unique names and can be assigned to groups.
- GPS-derived latitude and longitude, barometric pressure, ambient temperature, and humidity are recorded for each measurement.
Equotip Piccolo 2 Bambino 2

Entry model of Leeb D/DL probe with integrated display perfect for quick and reliable testing onsite. The Bambino has a compact metal housing with automatic corrections. It is easy to use with high accuracy.
- HLD/HLDL Native Scale
- 150-950 HLD, 250-970 HLDL Measurement Range
- Tungsten carbide (D, DL) Indenter
- 11 Nmm (D, DL) Impact Force
- ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation
Bruker Alpha II

The ALPHA II is a compact FT-IR spectrometer with a footprint the size of a laptop. It is used for chemical analysis and enables you to do quality control, quantifications and verification of raw materials. The RohmTek Alpha II features a Platinum ATR. It’s the high-performance ATR accessory for any application. It features a monolithic diamond crystal that withstands very hard or corrosive materials. It is tightly soldered into tungsten carbide and comes with a 10-year warranty. An ergonomic one-finger clamping mechanism simplifies sampling and cleaning, and the 360° rotation gives you plenty of room to maneuver solid and liquid samples.
- 220V Power Required
- Opus 8.7 Software and QUANT
- Platinum ATR Detector
- Shock Resistant and Wear Free
Olympus Vanta Max

Instantly identify materials and their chemical composition from any location using the Vanta™ handheld XRF analyzer. The Vanta series delivers fast, accurate elemental analysis and material identification using smart and cloud-connected technology. The next generation Vanta Max combines the exceptional accuracy, speed, and durability of the Vanta series with improved ergonomics, a streamlined interface, and enhanced connectivity for greater productivity.
- Specs
- Rh Xray Tube 50 KV
- Removable 14.4 V Li-ion battery
- Supports Bluetooth® with an optional USB adapter
- Temperature range for Max and Core: -10 °C to 50 °C (14 °F to 122 °F)
- Large-area silicon drift detector with graphene window
- Specs
Rental Equipment Form
Field services + Data QA/QC